Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This is not really fair to Ziggy

I'm sure he would have plenty of embarrassing pictures of me if he could work the camera

Basically he just won't stop growing! I mean he's a huge cat already and he's only 1 year old... how big is he gonna get?! he just keeps eating and eating and growing and growing... but don't ya just wanna rub that tummy?

SKYP'n with Sophia

Joan's niece peeking at me...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just hanging out

Zigsa lounging in his "kitty condo" while Zozo observes

who's peeking?

WARNING! This is meaty

I wouldn't normally post a picture of my dinner, but this was particularly colourful and so I wanted to preserve it and share with you. Usually my culinary creations end up pretty bland, but this was great - well, by my standards anyway... skirt steak (too much for one person really), red pepper, and mango, all on a bed of spinach. mmmmm... yummy!

No, she is not a lemur...

...but this *is* her favourite chair as you can tell from the accumulated hair...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Don't Say No to Hugs

Zozo and Zigsa - just like Yin and Yang!
They fell asleep together like this - honestly they're not fighting, they're asleep, isn't it cute? well, of course *I* think so....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Abstract cat

I like to think that this is what the world looks like to Zigsa just as he's waking up from his own nap

STuff OUr CaTS do

Ziggy hangs out in the sink while Zozo makes off with the toilet paper!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

lounge cats - lol cats

"we b tryin' 2 sleep, man"


Ok, have to re-start this blog since it's been so long since anything's been posted here. So, for anyone who might be passing by, well, I'm gonna dedicate the next bunch of posts to our cats. And to remind you of their names, here's the first new pic:

Don't worry, there'll be pictures of humans again here eventually...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Movie #2

I think I am starting to get the hang of IMovie - instead of a 27 MB movie that would have taken oh 3 days to upload, I cut it down to this regretfully short sneak attack by ZoZo:

Click here to go to UTube for the new video

All they seem to do when they're awake is playfight and eat!

More movies to come...

While Joan is away....

ZoZo and Zigsa are almost always purring these days. We're almost done giving them medicine, and they still love running around the bedroom and finding new places to sleep. They talk a lot, and they're still very fuzzy and cute!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Zozo & Zigsa in action!!

They are the new stars of YouTube:

Click here to go to their YouTube video

She's okay - honestly she didn't hurt herself even though she smacks her face pretty good. She's tough!